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Wisdom of the Unthought Known


My interest is in helping you live your life fully.

What do you know, and love, about yourself? What troubles you, no matter how much you work on it?

And what are those “unthought knowns” – the truths about yourself that you don’t yet tell yourself?
There is great healing power in learning them, and learning how to use them.

When someone enters treatment with me, I feel the deep honor of accompanying that person on a significant journey.

When someone enters treatment with me, I feel the deep honor of accompanying that person on a significant journey.
My interest is in helping you live your life fully.
What do you know, and love, about yourself? What troubles you, no matter how much you work on it?
And what are those “unthought knowns” – the truths about yourself that you don’t yet tell yourself?
There is great healing power in learning them, and learning how to use them.
For over thirty years I’ve been practicing therapy, increasingly impressed by the power of a life story.
How is it we become who we are?
How do we grow those qualities that define us?
How do we change our lives? How can life be more satisfying, more exciting?
What can we change, what do we have to accept?
How can we build better relationships?
For over thirty years I’ve been practicing therapy, increasingly impressed by the power of a life story.
How is it we become who we are?
How do we grow those qualities that define us?
How do we change our lives? How can life be more satisfying, more exciting?
What can we change, what do we have to accept?
How can we build better relationships?
Often I feel we’re trying to build a colander to contain the precious fruit we most want to keep, and learn to wash away the detritus that just doesn’t work. Sifting through, learning to see in new ways, and letting go can free us to live with more presence, energy and joy.
Often I feel we’re trying to build a colander to contain the precious fruit we most want to keep, and learn to wash away the detritus that just doesn’t work. Sifting through, learning to see in new ways, and letting go can free us to live with more presence, energy and joy.

What a surprise it can be to find how a small action can create big changes.

If you’re thinking about therapy, I recommend making an appointment for a consultation to meet with a therapist and see whether you feel there’s a good fit.

Call me to set up a time, or email if you prefer. (My email responses are more limited, given that it is not a secure connection.)